
DEFINITION: A linear assemblage of audio assets and silence (‘dead air’) which dynamically forms part of each stream by incorporating audio assets into the stream. There can be multiple audiotracks for each project and they determine how many audio assets can play simultaneously.

Audiotracks provide the ability to aesthetically tune the audio experience by allowing administrators to control how many assets are allowed to play simultaneously, how frequently assets play as well as panning and volume considerations.


Parameter Format/Units Definition Notes
Project picklist which project is Audiotrack associated with the number of Audiotracks created determines the highest number of assets ever played simultaneously
Maxvolume float upper value for range of randomized volume attenuation to be applied to each asset when played back in stream 1.0 means no attenuation from original volume of source material. A range of 0.0-1.0 would mean each asset would be attenuated somewhere between silence and full source volume
Minvolume float Upper value for range of randomized volume attenuation to be applied to each asset when played back in stream
Minduration integer/nanoseconds minimum length of time each asset in Audiotrack will play assets with shorter lengths than this value will be played in the entirety every time
Maxduration integer/nanoseconds maximum length of time each asset in Audiotrack will play assets longer than this value will never be played in entirety
Mindeadair integer/nanoseconds minimum length of pause between consecutive assets in Audiotrack if set to 0, assets can play with no pause between them
Maxdeadair integer/nanoseconds maximum length of pause between consecutive assets in Audiotrack RW randomly chooses a value between Min and Max deadair each time a new assets is selected to play in the stream
Minfadeintime integer/nanoseconds minimum length of time over which an asset fades in at the beginning of playback from 0 volume to its max volume (determined by Max/Minvolume values)
Maxfadeintime integer/nanoseconds maximum length of time over which an asset fades in from 0 volume to its max volume (determined by Max/Minvolume values)
Minfadeouttime integer/nanoseconds minimum length of time over which an asset fades out at the end of its playback from its max volume (determined by Max/Minvolume values) to 0 volume
Maxfadeouttime integer/nanoseconds maximum length of time over which an asset fades out from its max volume (determined by Max/Minvolume values) to 0 volume
Min Pan Position float furthest left position in stereo field to which asset can be panned automatically -1.0 is hard pan left; 1.0 is hard pan right
Max Pan Position float furthest right position in stereo field to which asset can be panned automatically to turn off panning, set both min/max pan positions to the same value. this will enforce every asset to remain at that value for its entire playback
Min Pan Duration integer/nanoseconds minimum length of time asset will be automatically panned between two randomly selected pan positions within the pan range defined by min/max pan position assets are continually panned during playback. as soon as one pan ramp completes, a new one is calculated and begun.
Max Pan Duration integer/nanoseconds maximum length of time asset will be automatically panned between two randomly selected pan positions within the pan range defined by min/max pan position
Repeat Recordings boolean determines whether or not recordings can be played more than once sans server receiving a modify_stream request